SMC-IT 2017 will continue the highly successful mini-workshop session format to explore specific emerging technology themes in greater depth. Each mini-workshop typically runs as one track during one day and incorporates both invited and contributed papers. To propose a mini-workshop topic, please submit a 1-2 page abstract including the theme, scope, and goals of your workshop idea.
Summary: The Space-Terrestrial Internetworking Demonstration Workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners discussing novel ideas and innovative applications as well as mission scenarios for delay-tolerant space-networks. Contributions should describe software prototypes, simulation environments, innovative applications or field-tests in the context of space-terrestrial communication networks such as LEO-based satellite networks or networks stretching via the solar system. The proposed workshop is part of the Space-Terrestrial Internetworking Workshop (STINT) series.
Session Chair(s): Dr.-Ing. Marius Feldmann, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Summary: Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (xR) technologies are not new; For decades, fundamental research and development across various fields of technology, by many organizations, has been ongoing. This investment ultimately yielded lower cost, reliable hardware and a robust software tool chain, thus creating a platform for technologists and system architectures to now seriously consider these technologies in their operational settings. The space mission lifecycle (design, test, launch, and operations) can increase its effectiveness and create new value by incorporating xR technologies in its space mission information technology systems.
Session Chair(s): Mr. Robert Berardino, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
Summary: In the current economic times, funding uncertainty, project cancellations, and tighter budgets have dramatically increased competition and therefore customers need to get more for their technology development dollar. This is resulting in lower cost proposals; however these proposals cannot afford to cut quality. How can we develop mission enabling technology without sacrificing quality and accuracy in our technical development process? Adopting and utilizing an Agile Development methodology will maximize the application of our development resources.
Session Chair(s): Mrs. Michele Gannon, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
Summary:The workshop intends to address the state of the art and trends on board processing technology and on board computers for space use. It intends to define the current and future concepts for supporting more complex missions and autonomy. The related processing and data management needs should be addressed too. Suggested topics: Trends for on board processors, multi-mission computer architectures, reconfigurable computers and building blocks, new architectures, processors and data processing platforms, etc.
Dates: The process for selection of contributed papers is now open with a call for presentation/papers abstracts that will close for June 9, 2017. Selected papers/presentations will be communicated by June 30, 2017.
Session Chair(s): Alfonso Gonzalo Palomo & José Moreno, Airbus Defence and Space, Spain
Summary: All space systems that have not already adopted an enterprise ground approach are exploring or are actively engaged in migrating their ground segments from a traditional single-purpose ground system to more modern architectures based on an enterprise environment employing common services and much greater reliance on reuse of COTS software and mission frameworks. The workshop will point out some of these recurring patterns and highlight the most significant opportunities, challenges, and risks that organizations are encountering as they migrate to enterprise solutions. We also examine some of the exceptions to the patterns that can inform our understanding of how to apply this emerging common knowledge effectively and in uncommon ways. It is intended to promote a lively conversation that will enable participants to share their own experiences and come away with a deeper understanding of the factors that make some migrations successful as well as better insight to anticipate the factors that can hinder successful migration.
Session Chair(s): Michael Campbell, PhD, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Summary: RS, V&V Workshop has as a main objective to discusse about tools & methods relate to the capability to perform a complete software development (including certification) aligned with standard safety guidelines (DO178, EIC 61508…). The application of these tools & methods could be extended to different contexts: Automatic Code Generation, Automatic Verification, Configuration Management, Test Benches etc. The application of “innovative” technologies (mobility, simulation, big data or Virtualization) improve the benefits related to them: mobility, simulation, big data or Virtualization
Session Chair(s): Dr. Claude Trouland. Sopra Steria-Aeroline – STIE, Toulouse, France