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James Webb Telescope
Mars Communications

Third IEEE International Conference on
Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology

Richard Schooler,
Tilera Corporation


Richard Schooler is Vice President of Software Engineering at Tilera Corp.  His team is responsible for everything between the hardware and the applications, including software development tools and operating systems for Tilera’s multicore processors.

Richard has more than 20 years of experience of technical leadership in programming tools and high-performance systems.  Richard was a compiler developer, manager, and architect at Intermetrics, Hewlett-Packard, and Bolt Beranek & Newman, where he worked on commercializing the large-scale Butterfly Parallel Processing Computer.  More recently, Richard was Chief Technology Officer for InCert Software, a startup developing innovative software diagnosis tools, which led to positions as Vice President of Technology at Geodesic Systems and Technical Director at VERITAS Software.  Before coming to Tilera, Richard was Director of Windows Build at Microsoft, running a very large-scale parallel system indeed!  He has been granted five patents and has published technical papers in compiler implementation and program optimization. Richard holds BS degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics and a MS in Computer Science, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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