Birds of Feather

Towards a Cubesat Autonomic Capability Model (CACM): A Road Map

Clement Gama, Roy Sterritt, George Wilkie, Glenn Hawe

Ulster University, UK

Date: Thursday, September 28
Duration: 30 min

In today’s world of smart technology, automation and autonomy are progressing at faster rates than in previous decades. The wide adoption of autonomic systems in multiple domains has seen an accelerated increase in recent years. Many types of electronic equipment are becoming “smart” – autonomic computing is driving the explosion of “The Internet of Things (IoT)”. In this presentation, we are going to look at how autonomic computing can be applied in unmanned systems and how it can be adapted and applied to the cubesat space industry. An autonomic capability level model for cubesats is proposed in this presentation that can assist cubesat developers with their plans for the gradual increase in the use of autonomic features in satellite and cubesat systems.