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MW-1: IT Challenges of Astrobiology and Extremophiles

Summary: Extreme environments on Earth are used to design and test equipment and to study how life might adapt. In this mini-workshop we will look at the challenges involved, current results, and future directions of using extremophiles for astrobiology.

Session Chair(s): Keith Schubert, Baylor University, Ernesto Gomez, California State University, Penelope Boston, New Mexico Tech, Jane Curnutt, Saint Martin's University, USA

MW-2: Reliable Space Mission Software Systems

Summary: Complex Space Mission Software Systems (SMSSs) to support NASA and Department of Defense (DOD) programs require reliability to be addressed at all phases of development. Stressful economic times coupled with increased software complexity require vigilant development of SMSSs within a constrained budget. An SMSS consists of both ground software and flight software working cohesively to perform failure-free and reliable spacecraft operations in order to meet critical mission objectives.

Session Chair(s): Kristin Wortman, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA

MW-3: Space Terrestrial Internetworking

Summary: The theme for this workshop is Operationalizing the Network Environment. This theme reflects the challenges of implementing packetized network function on space-based platforms, and the integration of these platforms in existing ground-based infrastructure.

Session Chair(s): Edward J. Birrane, Christopher Krupiarz, Dr. Angela Dalton, Samantha Jacobs, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA

MW-4: Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems

Summary: This workshop is devoted to the analysis, design, development, deployment, and evolution of autonomic/self-managing and autonomous systems for computer-based systems. Such computer-based systems – also called cyber-physical systems –are characterized by functional as well as dependability requirements that mandate the tight integration of information processing and physical processes. These systems integrate several disciplines, including software engineering, systems engineering, and control theory into a complete systems self-managing engineering approach.

Session Chair(s): Roy Sterritt, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland; Mike Hinchey, Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre

MW-5: Cyber Risk in Modern Space Missions

Summary: This unclassified workshop focuses on cyber risk: how to characterize it, how missions may be impacted, how policy and practices need to adapt, and how integrative concepts such as Defensive Space Control can incorporate cyber to contribute to mission resilience in the face of heightened cyber risk.

Session Chair(s): David LaVallee, Thomas Llanso, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA

MW-6: Optimizing Space Software Development Processes: Can Agile Methods Help?

Summary: Software engineers have used heavyweight, document-centric software development processes for years to build reliable space mission software. But are these tried and true development processes always the most cost-effective? Can they work in an environment that is increasingly budget and schedule constrained? Are lightweight Agile methods ever appropriate for space software development?

Session Chair(s): Annette Mirantes, Debbie Clancy, Bill Stratton, Brenda Clyde, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA