Held in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT 2009), July 19-23, 2009, in Pasadena, California.
In space missions, software is used in many critical applications where a failure can have serious consequences including loss of lives and property. Software enables intricate mission operations, autonomous operations, and science gathering and software complexity will continue to grow as mission complexity grows. It is not enough simply to satisfy functional requirements. Such systems in general must satisfy security, safety, availability, dependability, performance, and other, requirements as well. Many of these qualities are conflicting and achieving one may have a negative impact on another.
Software Reliability is the probability of failure-free operation for a specified period of time and in a specified environment. Reliability is not the same as quality, or dependability, but is one of the factors that contribute to software quality (that software exhibits some combination of desired properties) and dependability (that confidence can be placed on the software to operate appropriately).
This mini-workshop will address issues related to reliability in space missions; techniques for improving reliability and for handling issues that occur while on-orbit. Presentations are sought on multiple areas of software reliability including:
- Software reliability modeling and practices
- Software development processes
- Software safety
- Fault-tolerant architectures
- Preventing and handling on-orbit anomalies
- Software testing
- Anomaly case studies
The objectives of this mini-workshop are:
- To increase awareness of the conference participants of significant issues related to reliability that are facing the space industry;
- To highlight the importance and role of software reliability engineering and related issues in space missions;
- To highlight specific techniques and approaches that have successfully been applied in the space domain;
- To introduce the audience to new results in software reliability that would be applicable to future space missions
- To discuss methods for handling and preventing software issues while in flight
- May 1 Abstracts due
- May 15 Announcement of accepted abstracts
- June 15 Final program posted on SMC-IT website
- July 19-23 SMC-IT 2009 Conference (Mini-Workshop convened on July 20)
Norm Schneidewind, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA, ieeelife@yahoo.com
Mike Hinchey, Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland, mike.hinchey@usa.net
Christopher J. Krupiarz, Christopher.Krupiarz@jhuapl.edu